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Google and Alexa Rank Checker Tool

Site Rank tool will check Alexa rankings in addition to Google PageRank. It works fast and you benefit from the features of both toolbars (Google and Alexa) online. Currently the tool will not provide any info if the site is not listed at least on Alexa [ ... ]

posted @ 04/11/2007 3:28 AM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

Why MSDN and not Google ?

Why do you need MSDN while you can search Google ? Google is faster ? May be true for most common searches. However when you perform some esoteric search - it is hard to find something useful in Google if at all [ ... ]

posted @ 04/09/2007 2:02 AM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

MSDN Library for Visual Studio 2005 (April 2007 Edition) is Available

MSDN Library for Visual Studio 2005 (April 2007 Edition) announcement. 2.2 GB ISO image file [ ... ]

posted @ 04/09/2007 12:59 AM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

WSE In-Memory Object Model

WSE has its own pipeline and its own extensibility mechanism that plugs as one big extension into ASMX and when you write extensions (handlers) for WSE, you don't get a stream but an in-memory info-set in form of a SoapEnvelope [ ... ]

posted @ 04/08/2007 10:45 PM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

Credit Card Processing Online — QnA

It is important for a user who pays with her Credit Card online to get an indication that it is processed via well known provider that she can trust. Everybody knows PayPal - it belongs to eBay [ ... ]

posted @ 04/05/2007 8:31 PM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

Front Page for x2line.com is up Finally

After 3.5 years of running this site - I finally found time to put x2line.com homepage online [ ... ]

posted @ 04/04/2007 3:27 AM (by x2line developer)

April Fools Online Jokes = Pure Waste of Time

I don't really care why people are willing to spend thousands of hours online preparing April Fools jokes. Especially it is hard to see bloggers kinda fake site defacement [ ... ]

posted @ 04/03/2007 10:25 AM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

Mickey Mouse in the Haunted House (Remastered)

Many times youtube users perform a great piece of work before they upload videos. I'm not talking about videos filmed totally by users but about old music and cartoon videos that were taped from TV 20-25 years ago [ ... ]

posted @ 03/31/2007 9:59 PM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

Use NDepend for Static Code Quality Analysis

NDepend is a tool for architects or people that are in charge of the whole development process. Usually it is 1-2 people who have a need to examine and audit code-base quality threshold. NDepend has its own query language so one can write queries using this SQL syntax to examine assemblies, types, methods [ ... ]

posted @ 03/31/2007 4:25 AM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

How to Deploy WSE

The WSE runtime dll can be simply placed in the same directory as the application and run. It does not have to be GACed. The one feature that you loose if you do this today is error event logging to the Windows Event log [ ... ]

posted @ 03/30/2007 6:27 AM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

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