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SharpReader 0941

First impressions from SharpReader (April 2004) [ ... ]

posted @ 04/27/2004 5:24 AM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

sp_sproc_columns and Profiler

Blog entry about sp_sproc_columns and Profiler [ ... ]

posted @ 04/23/2004 8:30 PM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

Use foreach to Iterate the Loop of Integers

I have to change my programmatic approach. I'm speaking of iterating through int arrays. There are 3 ways: foreach iteration, for loop, for, caching the length of the array ... use foreach because it is more readable in the code [ ... ]

posted @ 04/19/2004 6:55 AM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

Google books ?

Blog entry about Google books ? [ ... ]

posted @ 04/15/2004 4:04 AM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

SQL Function for Date Sequences (Version 2.1)

Another version of the function that demonstrates how to generate date sequences in SQL using loop queries. To create a loop see how I use union all operator [ ... ]

posted @ 04/15/2004 2:43 AM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

How to Serialize ReadOnly Property

How to serialize readonly property in a class, since it is ignored by ISerializable ? There are 2 workarounds: throwing exception in setter and using WebMethods instead of setter and getter [ ... ]

posted @ 04/15/2004 1:46 AM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

MSSQL: Some Undocumented Features

Blog entry about MSSQL: Some Undocumented Features [ ... ]

posted @ 04/11/2004 10:13 PM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

Generate Calendar Dates. Version 2.0

Blog entry about Generate Calendar Dates. Version 2.0 [ ... ]

posted @ 04/10/2004 4:14 AM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

Channel Definition Format - First Prototype of RSS Standard

The first prototype of RSS standard was Channel Definition Format - CDF. Deployed by Microsoft in October 1997. Link to whitepaper standard on www.w3.org included [ ... ]

posted @ 04/08/2004 12:57 AM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

My howto on sqljunkies

Blog entry about My howto on sqljunkies [ ... ]

posted @ 04/07/2004 6:52 AM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

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(1, 03/27/2005 2:50 AM)