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It has been more than a year and a half since the previous major releases of Fosimo while we focused on other projects. Since then Facebook has done a lot of changes and deprecations to their API so [ ... ]
RIP Facebook Developers Forum [ ... ]
Mobile game or application with sound effects is usually more fun for users than without. So how to implement sound effects on iOS. There are a few ways. If you search on the net - the most recommended way is to use [ ... ]
This post is about how to handle user preferences in iOS. User preferences is needed for storing small amounts of data locally and can work out [ ... ]
Sometimes it is a bit non-trivial to developers coming to Objective-C from more common Java or C# how to deal with simple things. This post is about handling DateTime [ ... ]
We just released a new version of the tool - Fosimo.AA 0.9.8 is available for download [ ... ]
If you are using facebook android SDK the following patch should save you much trouble and working hours in certain scenarios [ ... ]
After a long hiatus of more than 3 years I'd like to announce a new, completely redesigned version of Delicer - v0.9.5. Delicer is a windows client for delicious. Well Delicer is not [ ... ]
Fosimo.AA is available for download [ ... ]
Starting from Fosimo 1.1.0 version the user is no longer required to enter the username and password into Facebook's login page to authenticate and authorize the app. Instead the user have to provide a bunch of necessary data permissions for the app [ ... ]