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Fosimo 0.7.4 - 0.7.6 - In this release: Fixes (including Datetime GMT bug, link to Facebook from context menu, recurrence period (default 10 minutes) and relevant hours (default 3 hours) are configurable [ ... ]
Facebook gives away Datetime as Long (number of seconds since 1970/01/01). In GMT. Wanted to mention that this caused a bug in Fosimo, apparently fixed [ ... ]
Speaking of blogging - I believe there is some sort of ideas market. Some people or we may call them "early adopters" go and buy good ones. Others manage to get the rest until there is no single unique idea left [ ... ]
DBCC can be used with WITH TABLERESULTS hint that outputs the output in the table rowset format. So - here is a small code sample that demonstrates the technique [ ... ]
Fosimo (0.7.2) - Facebook client for windows released. In this release: Some fixes :), Stacked organization of notification windows, Pictures (Faces) of your friends shown within notifications [ ... ]
It turns out that Facebook Developer Terms of Service has problem with applications which have the word "face" in their name. Whatever... The new name is Fosimo [ ... ]
Fosimo 0.7 is the initial release of Facebook Client for windows therefore the number of features is limited. Actually the tool currently knows to connect to Facebook in a secure way and provide Friends statuses changes Notifications (style GMail Notifier). However many features on stack so stay tuned [ ... ]
I just registered What is fosimo? It is a codename I give for for some piece of facebook application (currently under development) [ ... ]
There is a common problem with smart client applications that need to monitor network connectivity. Common scenario - if the computer is connected - send data to the server, otherwise - serialize data to disk, then wait for network connectivity becomes available and when the network is available - send serialized data to the server in the background [ ... ]
Facebook is growing 3% per week currently (6th most trafficked site in the U.S.). I guess it will not be long before Facebook would catch Myspace traffic and leave it behind. A week ago (05/24/2007) Facebook launched Facebook Platform. I've made a bit of reverse engineering through Facebook business entities and created a class diagram [ ... ]