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Introducing Fosimo.AA — Desktop Tool for Facebook Application Administration

Just released a desktop tool for facebook application administration. Please note: Fosimo.AA is not a separate app, but an extension to your existing apps, you configure it yourself with your app API_KEY/SECRET and it gives you extensible admin functionality for any app [ ... ]

posted @ 03/12/2010 6:16 AM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

Sic Transit...

It is very sad to see friendster go (friendster, hi5 on decline in 2009) [ ... ]

posted @ 03/08/2010 5:08 AM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

Tips for Windows Server 2008 and IIS7 Tuning

Recently I moved from windows servers 2003 32 bit and IIS6 to windows servers 2008 64 bit and IIS7. My experience was rather painful, windows 2008 seems like a wild animal after windows 2003 experience. 2008 has lots networking and scalability issues and [ ... ]

posted @ 01/04/2010 4:49 PM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)


We are moving to new servers and occasional brief downtimes are expected during December on our sites and apps. [ ... ]

posted @ 12/02/2009 12:03 PM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

Fosimo — Backup Facebook Inbox Available

As announced previously backup facebook inbox functionality is now available on Fosimo. It took some time until the app was whitelisted [ ... ]

posted @ 09/11/2009 10:46 PM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

Fosimo 1.0.8 — Backup Facebook Inbox

Fosimo 1.0.8 is available. Fosimo is a desktop app for Facebook which helps you control your Facebook account without browsing through Facebook. Facebook has rolled out several important features recently including new inbox functionality today and new [ ... ]

posted @ 09/01/2009 9:43 PM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

Running MSI on Windows 7

I didn't try Windows 7 yet. But seems that Windows 7 inherited user access control feature from Windows Vista as is. It maybe useful info for people running MSIs on [ ... ]

posted @ 09/01/2009 9:17 PM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

X2line's Audience is Over 2 Million Users (July 2009)

Back in February 2009 we crossed 1 million users mark across all our applications on all platforms combined. In July (or even in June) we reached 2 million [ ... ]

posted @ 08/12/2009 11:54 PM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

Fosimo 1.0.7 — New Facebook Authentication Scheme

Fosimo 1.0.7 with quick launch on double-click and slowing down animated windows and new facebook authentication scheme for desktop apps [ ... ]

posted @ 08/10/2009 5:15 PM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

Fosimo.TR 0.5.6 — Quick Tweet and My @responses

Fosimo.TR 0.5.6 is available for download. Fosimo.TR is a light Twitter client for windows which helps you keep track of your Twitter account without browsing through Twitter. New in Fosimo.TR 0.5.6: My @responses [ ... ]

posted @ 08/10/2009 11:12 AM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

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