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Michael Moog — That Sound

The following is Michael Moog's mix (That Sound) from 2000 which samples The Spinners' I'll Be Around. Very nice and relaxing track - that's pretty much all I can say [ ... ]

posted @ 05/31/2007 2:21 AM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

Why PayPal is #1 for Online Sales

I already mentioned PayPal in the discussion on Credit Card Processing Online. Here I'd like to list the reasons why PayPal is currently #1 in online payments far beyond its competitors: Reputation, Online Integration, Versatility and Payment Methods of your Choice [ ... ]

posted @ 05/29/2007 2:28 AM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

Quitters, Inc - Company Vision and Strategy from Quitter's Perspective

Paul C. shares his wild career experiences on his quitter blog. I was addicted reading it yesterday, so I decided to post about it. All this staff actually speaks to me since: My current job is my 6th in hi-tech industry in 7.5 years. In addition I worked for 2 companies for 3 days each. Which I don't count [ ... ]

posted @ 05/26/2007 4:26 PM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

Orcas Breaks .NET 2.0 Root web.config

I found out suddenly after a while after installing Orcas Beta that my ASP.NET 2.0 applications stopped working. Fixed by deleting all xmlns fields in web.config [ ... ]

posted @ 05/25/2007 7:02 AM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

Google Updates Toolbar Queries

Google updated toolbarqueries (i.e. Google Toolbar information queries) recently. I've updated and fixed Site Rank tool accordingly - so you're invited to check site rankings on Google and Alexa with one button click [ ... ]

posted @ 05/25/2007 6:44 AM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

ArrayList as Array of Object Arrays

Many people know that ArrayList is Array of Objects in CLR. However less know that ArrayList can contain Array of Object Arrays in other words be multi-dimensional. For example it can contain data structure equivalent to database table structure [ ... ]

posted @ 05/21/2007 3:19 AM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

Webservice Tip: One-Way (Fire-and-Forget) Webmethod

Occasionally when consuming a webservice, client does not require a response. Using the OneWay property of SoapDocumentMethod under System.Web.Services.Protocols frees the client thread immediately instead of forcing it to wait for a response - [SoapDocumentMethod(OneWay=true)] [ ... ]

posted @ 05/21/2007 12:37 AM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

Defunkt — Make Them Dance

Defunkt made some energetic pieces of music back in 80s. They mixed jazz styles with funk rhythms and punk attitude. A very unique band with a sound of their own. Critics loved 'em, but the people weren't buying [ ... ]

posted @ 05/20/2007 3:18 AM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

Ability to Work Disconnected - Expected ... not Marketable Feature

The client/server application ability to work disconnected would always be expected (post factum if it is not provided yet) and therefore the feature is not marketable [ ... ]

posted @ 05/18/2007 6:05 PM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

How to Configure Delicer to Use Proxy

Delicer is del.icio.us client for windows. One of the issues people have using it is when they try to use it from behind proxy. Here are some steps to configure Delicer to use a proxy [ ... ]

posted @ 05/10/2007 8:14 PM (by Anatoly Lubarsky)

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