on Google China
As people noticed - Google Removes Its Help Entry on Censorship from the support section. In order to get into chinese market they have to obey some censorship limitations. Because of that Google has to change in a certain way.
Jeremy Zawodny from the direct competitor - Yahoo posted a bright metaphor:
"I guess that giant sucking sound coming from Mountain View this week was the sound of Google's soul getting sucked out to make more room for cash."
Blogosphere is not happy with the fact that Google is now starting to censor its results and not just reflecting the internet. And about talking too much in the past on "do no evil" trash. Despite the fact that I agree with and believe in the concept of "slippery slope", my point of view is a bit different. It is ok with me that Google censors its results in China. MSN and Yahoo do just the same (at the beginning google.cn went a bit further but search filters are fixed now).
The only thing I don't like is that they removed the page. If your point of view or policy has changed - man, you can add a small update at the bottom of the page but removing the page entirely sucks big time. (My 2 cents)
Update: Google reactivated their censorship entry with a new text. Fair enough.
Saturday, January 28, 2006 3:25 AM