Google Sitemaps should die
Google Sitemaps should die. It does not produce any added value for webmasters and even their weblog has nothing to write about.
- The whole idea for submitting site maps to Google and do all the work manually by webmasters instead of crawler itself is ridiculous.
- They say crawler would crawl independently.
- Submit process is dirty and requires webmasters save an empty file in the root of their website in order to verify their site and they also have veryfying issues.
- It does not support dynamic urls in the natural way.
- Graphic designer needed for Sitemaps UI.
- They provide some useless stats but google analytics provide better and more professionally organized statistics.
- etc
I personally don't understand why do Google employees try to push it so violently on each SEO conference or random blog posts. Interesting to know what do Google Sitemaps team employees feel. Do they believe in the whole thing ?
What do you think ?
Wednesday, April 26, 2006 11:54 PM