Suppose you have 1000 stored procedures in the database. Now you have to find something out there in the code. Suppose you want to drop the redundant database table and don't know about whether some procedure uses it. This is a small procedure I build, that would help you to perform such search:
create proc P_TEXT_SEARCH_SPS
@p_word varchar(30)
declare proccurs cursor
select C.[text], O.[name]
sysobjects O join syscomments C on
C.[id] = O.[id]
where O.xtype = 'p' and O.status > 0
open proccurs
declare @ptext varchar(2000)
declare @pname char(40)
fetch next from proccurs into @ptext, @pname
while @@fetch_status = 0
print @pname + ' = ' +
convert(varchar(5), charindex(@p_word, @ptext, 0))
fetch next from proccurs into @ptext, @pname
close proccurs
deallocate proccurs
That's it. Happy searching :)
# re: Stored Procedures Code Search
Thanks, this was helpful!
So I improved on it!
It's a table-valued UDF and searches lots of other stuff. Also returns almost the whole source code (show results in Grid):
CREATE function dbo.fn_util_SearchSprocs (@p_word varchar(30))
returns @SearchResults table
Type char(2),
[Name] sysname,
[Offset] varchar(5),
[Text] nvarchar(3000)
insert into @SearchResults
select so.xtype, so.[name], convert(varchar(5), charindex(@p_word, sc.[text], 0)), cast(sc.[text] as nvarchar(3000))
from sysobjects as so
inner join syscomments as sc
on sc.[id] = so.[id]
--sprocs, triggers, UDFs, table-valued UDFs, views, defaults, and check-constraints
where so.xtype IN ('P', 'TR', 'FN', 'TF', 'V', 'D', 'C')
and so.status > 0
and charindex(@p_word, sc.[text], 0) > 0
# re: Stored Procedures Code Search
Forgot to mention this for newbies:
To try this out, run this:
select *
from dbo.fn_util_SearchSprocs('dave')
That will find all the code with your name in it. If your name is 'dave', that is :)
# re: Query for a list of Procs that contain a string