Bill Pierce on AJAX
Another good one by Bill Pierce about Client Side Framework aka AJAX aka Asynchronous JavaScript And XML.
"With a few lines of JavaScript, we can now initiate an Asynchronous request for a web page. Asynchronous means the request is made and the user doesnt have to wait for the page to load or stare at an hourglass waiting for something to happen. The web request means we can now have seamless interoperability between client code (ala JavaScript) and server code (ASP.Net, JSP, PHP, etc). If you didnt say WOW you should at least be thinking it. With a little digging you can find a number of examples on how to use the XmlHTTPRequest object. The goal of this article is to develop a framework for using the XmlHTTPRequest object in conjunction with ASP.Net."
Sunday, September 11, 2005 2:00 AM