Slalom Project - Olivier Herrero and Christophe Flinois
What I like about rollers is the fact that it was born actually in a big city and it is an integral part of urban culture of 90s and 00s. Because of that I like free ride and slalom because I see it as an extension of mcdonalds, down towns, highways and glass parking lot aesthetics. It is rather close to pop-art of Andy Warhol. It goes well with modern styles of music, plastic and glass. That is why I don't like downhill and aggressive roller styles because you have either go out of the city or create the space designed especially for this style to do it. Of course regular city ride has both elements of downhill and aggressive and it is good.
Thats why french style speaks to me and russian and korean styles do not (or speak less). I was influenced most of all by the videos of french riders because you can always see the elements of the big city around in their videos: buildings, parking lots, fountains, city lights, cars, etc, etc. You can not see it this way in the korean roller videos, you can see it this way a little bit in russian roller videos, but most of the time rollers have to move outside the city or to special places or move underground (common practice among korean rollers).
This is another Roller slalom video featuring Olivier Herrero and Christophe Flinois.
Saturday, July 30, 2005 12:22 AM