Enterprise Library DAAB: AddParameter vs. AddInParameter
I'm playing a bit with Entlib. now. Let's say I'm using it a lot actually :). Speaking of Data Access Block in Enterprise Library I'm coming to conclusion that it is not productive to use AddInParameter construction in Database object because:
- It does not support parameter size causing ADO.NET pass the max allowed for the specified type.
- There is no support for parameter InOut direction (aka AddInOutParameter ?) which I find very useful lately.
I'm going to use AddParameter instead of AddInParameter, despite that it is a bit less readable. Like so:
db.AddParameter(dbCommand, "@ProductId", DbType.Int32, 4, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, true, 0, 0, null, DataRowVersion.Default, review.ProductId);
Saturday, March 25, 2006 8:39 PM