American Citizenship

Taking the American Citizenship Test and getting Interviewed for the Citizenship tomorrow at INS offices in Atlanta.

Do you know the year in which the US constitution was written in (without googling)? Who was the first Commander in Chief of the US? What is the function of the Congress? How many justices are in the supreme court? Who is the head of the supreme court? If both the president and the vice president die who becomes the interim president? What ammendments to the constitution describe the voting rights of the US citizens? How many strips are on the US flag?

and more...

I will let you know how I do.

posted on Thursday, March 23, 2006 3:16 AM


# re: American Citizenship 3/23/2006 3:43 AM Anatoly Lubarsky

>>"If both the president and the vice president die who becomes the interim president?"

May be Condolisa ?

# re: American Citizenship 3/23/2006 8:02 AM Misha

the speaker of the house of representatives

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